L5: Learning to See
It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see - Henry David Thoreau Just a blink of a second, and you can make the right decision. Or not. It depends - it depends on many factors. One factor is experience. Not knowledge but skill. We do not acquire skills by reading. We develop a skill by doing – that is where learning is coming from. We can experience that in math. To learn how to calculate the equation, we need to calculate them. There is no other way. My math teacher at high school taught me one method to solve any equation. That method is called: I look, and I see. The teacher told me: to be good at math, you need to do homework, you need to calculate many equations, many different equations. Then, after the time, you will get to the point where just by seeing the equation, you will immediately know how to solve it. That is the reason why math teachers are good at solving equations. They solved thousand of different equations. They spend a lot of time pra...